
Can I Get Pregnant If I have PCOS?

Mar 02, 2024
Can I Get Pregnant If I have PCOS?
Struggling with PCOS and fertility concerns? Read on to learn more about how PCOS affects fertility and your ability to become pregnant.

As many as 5 million women of reproductive age have a condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). If you’re among this population, you know that navigating fertility concerns when you have PCOS can be overwhelming and confusing. 

Here at Women’s Care of Beverly Hills in South Bay, Redondo Beach, and Beverly Hills, California, our expert OB/GYN team wants to help you understand how PCOS affects your pregnancy journey. Know that getting pregnant with PCOS is possible.

Read on to learn more about the relationship between PCOS and pregnancy and how the condition affects your fertility.

Understanding PCOS and its impact on fertility

PCOS is a hormonal disorder characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, high levels of androgens (male hormones), and the presence of ovarian cysts. One of the primary concerns for women with PCOS is its potential impact on fertility because the condition affects your ovulation cycle. Ovulation is when you release an egg to be fertilized.

Although PCOS does affect ovulation and menstrual regularity, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re infertile.

Getting pregnant when you have PCOS

Women with PCOS can still conceive and have successful pregnancies, but you may need medical support. 

The hormonal imbalances and irregular ovulation associated with PCOS mean it’s difficult to get pregnant naturally. But when you consult with our experts, they provide you with a personalized fertility plan tailored to your unique needs. Your plan may include lifestyle recommendations and fertility medications, like clomiphene, which encourages ovulation. 

Increasing your chances of getting pregnant

The team at Women’s Care of Beverly Hills is ready to optimize your chances of getting pregnant. Of course, your plan is specific to you, but it may include:

Lifestyle modifications

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can positively influence your ability to conceive with PCOS. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, managing stress levels, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption. 

Ovulation monitoring

We also have you actively monitor your ovulation through methods such as tracking basal body temperature and ovulation predictor kits. We offer ultrasound monitoring to help pinpoint the most fertile days in your menstrual cycle and optimize timing for conception.

Weight management

Maintaining a healthy weight helps you manage PCOS-related symptoms and optimizes fertility. If you’re overweight or obese, weight loss through diet and exercise can improve hormonal balance, regulate menstrual cycles, and enhance fertility outcomes.


In some cases, fertility medications may be prescribed to stimulate ovulation and regulate your menstrual cycle. Common medications include clomiphene citrate (Clomid) and letrozole (Femara), which can help induce ovulation and improve the chances of conception.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

If you don’t get pregnant with the help of lifestyle changes and medications, we may recommend ART procedures such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). ART can help you get pregnant even if you inconsistently ovulate.

You’re not alone

PCOS can pose a challenge to getting pregnant, but our team of compassionate OB/GYN specialists is here to provide support, guidance, and personalized care every step of the way. 

If you have PCOS and are considering pregnancy, don't hesitate to reach out to our clinic for expert guidance and support. We're committed to empowering you as you manage PCOS and attempt to conceive. Call or use the online tool to book an appointment at Women’s Care of Beverly Hills. We will help you realize your dreams of parenthood.